Wednesday, October 23, 2013

“The Hunted Bambi” (Poem)

“The Hunted Bambi”
 The Bambi season is here again beautiful deer pursued by men
The shots ring out as the hunters shout as the deer are all taken out

Shaking, quivering, and scared to move an easy target as the hunters prove
After antlers and meat for a feast as they all hunt down the frightened beast

They finally have their prey in sight as the “Bambi’s” run with all their might
It’s eventually over as the shotguns blast the “Bambi” life is a thing of the past

The carcass is salvaged as the head is cut off the hunters head home with their cherished prize lot
Taken home the deer is all cut up giving steak and roast to fill them up

Maybe I’ll become a vegan as I find it hard to bare down the barrels of a shotgun the deer have to stare
Their population dwindles and I think that it stinks very soon little “Bambi” will become extinct

Written by ChrisTurner
October 23, 2013

Chris Turner is a residential/commercial
painting contractor in Edmonton Alberta Canada

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